
Showing posts from August, 2020

Physics Demo: Grass Simulation

Physics Demo: Grass Simulation Description: This project demonstrate the using of NFGE:Verlet Physics. Each grass has a simple bone structure: from its root to its top. More bone it has more organic look it will has. I'm binding each bone a verlet particle and connecting themselves to the particle in the parent's bone with spring constrain. For making particles in the bone structure more stable, I also create four fixed particles on the ground that connect each bone particles with spring constrains. The force applying or collision resolving on any bone particles will also influence all the other bone particles since they are connecting with spring constrains. And the four ground fixed particles will bring each bone particle back to its original position with the spring constrain force. The render of the grass is using the BoneMesh in NFGE, which means each vertex in the mesh stores boneIndices and bone weight up to four. It allows GPU to calculates each vertex position bases on

3D Graphic Demo: YBot-Simulation(In Progress)

3D Graphic Demo: YBot-Simulation Description: This is a 3D graphic demo developed with NFGE.  Project Features: Implemented skeleton animation playing and blending use `NFGE::Animator` Implemented partially animating the model with `NFGE::PartialAnimator` Implemented a skeleton animation controller that can blend more than two animation with `ControlContext` and `BlendPolicy` using `NFGE::BlendTree` The UI of the Demo is using Dear Imgui( ) Demo Video: Technical Support: My Instructor: Peter Chan 

3D Graphic Demo: Effect & Post-processing pipeline

3D Graphic Demo: Effect & Post-processing pipeline Description: This is a 3D graphic demo developed with NFGE.  Project Features: Implemented model loading Implemented third person camera controller Integrate NFGE effect and post-processing pipeline which support post-processing include: Shadow mapping DepthBlur Pixelate The UI of the Demo is using Dear Imgui( ) Demo Video: Technical Support: My Instructor: Peter Chan 

LaCelle Craft (In Progress)

LaCelle Craft-2D RTS-PC_NFGE Description: This is a 2D RTS game developed with NFGE.  The project is currently not finished. But I have most of the game play structure done. Current Feature: Had one faction with a `Worker` & `Attack Ship` unit Supported maximum 8 player in a map. Implemented State machine and steering behavior on the current unit Implemented RTS game-controller that can single selecting and Group selecting and attacking. The UI of the Demo is using Dear Imgui( ) Demo Video: Technical Support: My Instructor: Peter Chan