
Showing posts from November, 2019

3D Graphic Demo: Hello RobotArm

Robotic Arm Demo Description: This project demonstrate 2 different bone skeleton system and animating them. Both skeleton system can: [Custom Bone Structure]:  Build a bone structure with maximal 50 bones  [Support Animation]:         Support key frames editing to create animation [Support Save & Load]:     Can save & load all information of current system Implementation: Create a window with win32. Using Direct3D11 to create a render target. Render the target with general graphic pipeline. And render to the window. Draw Debug Ui to sub render target with DearImgui( ). Demonstration: Tutorial for my classmates: This tour guide you to a simplify version of Robot arm Create Robot Arm Flow : Set up environment:  Thinking: In order to render a robot arm which has multiple parts, firstly we need to have a scene with light, and mesh that can reflect light (which is standard mesh in our engine) fo